Spanish people, despite communicating in one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet, have a language invaded by Anglicisms: blog, casual, catering, hardware, hashtag, hit, marketing, premium, sandwich, software, spoiler, test… the list is long. An aspect that demonstrates the importance of English in today’s world, not only in the field of technology in general, but of computing in particular.

9 reasons why English is essential in the IT sector:


English, the language of technology


1. It is the standard language in programming languages: most such as Java, Python, or C++ have been designed with English words and syntax. Having an adequate knowledge of the English language is a powerful aid when reading or writing code. The influence of this language goes beyond the world of programming, as it is the lingua franca of technology in general and of many other fields, from art to sports. In the debate as to whether, for example, database table names should be written in Spanish or English, in order to accommodate international collaborations and projects, the most practical approach is to use English.

2. Operating systems: the most widely used operating systems such as Windows, Linux and macOS have been built with commands and interfaces basically in English. Knowing the meaning of the terms helps not only to understand the applications, but also to better analyze how to operate them. An example is programming in Shell or with scripting automation utilities.

3. Knowing English allows for greater professional projection: either to attend meetings in that language, or to prepare documents and conversations with people from anywhere in the world.

4. A large part of computer-related educational content is written in English: tutorials, documentation, forums and so on. Something similar can be said about technical content: software development manuals and guides. Although there is content in any language, the difference in the amount of information in English or Spanish, for example, is enormous.


English, the language of technology


5. International collaboration. Technology has created a borderless world where communication is instantaneous. The IT industry is a sector where international collaboration is a reality, with teams from different countries working on a common project. Something similar happens with conferences and events, where English is the common language that facilitates communication without borders.

6. Technical support and customer service. These services often operate in English, so an effective knowledge of the language facilitates the resolution of technical problems. Integration projects with third parties involve the added complexity of not only communicating in English, but also knowing how to use different technical terms.

7. Standards and protocols. Most of the standards and protocols in the computer industry have been developed in English. Standards, specifications and regulations we must work with, whose English terminology is important to understand.

8. A future in English. The current trend is for English to continue to be by far the most important language in the field of technology and digital communication, as well as in other spheres, from thinking to music.

9. Mandarin and English. Will there be a future as depicted in the cult television series
? In it, the characters speak in English and Mandarin, reflecting the influence of the two great powers of planet Earth, China and the United States. Perhaps the language will evolve into a kind of Esperanto of the future. Who knows humans could conquer another solar system (Firefly‘s thesis), communicating through Mandaglish, the language of the universe born from English and Mandarin.