Integrated System Policy and Corporate Social Responsibility



Delonia is an engineering company whose values are centered on human captial and technical expertise at the service of our customers. Our responsibilities are to provide high quality solutions, protect the environment, ensure information security, effectively manage risks and promote corporate social responsibility.





To strengthen our commitment to continuous improvement and excellence, Delonia Software has implemented an integrated system to manage the areas of quality, the environment, information security and service management. These were based on ISO international standards 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO/IEC 27001:2022 and ISO/IEC 33000:2015, and require the following commitments:


  • Compliance with standards, internal regulations, regulatory, legal and other requirements applicable to both the company’s internal personnel and third parties it works with (suppliers, contractors, business partners, etc.)
  • Identification, evaluation and management of risks and opportunities, derived from its activity and the analysis of assets.
  • Ensured compliance of objectives;allocation of necessary technical, human and material resources; and adoption of the best available technology to achieve an effective implementation of the policy.
  • Transparency in the information provided to stakeholders, guaranteeing its reliability and rigor and applying internal processes and protocols that ensure the confidentiality of such information.
  • Training and information aimed to ensure that the company’s people know and understand the rules and commitments in order to be able to carry out their activity.
  • Protecting the environment. This includes preventing pollution and improving our environmental performance.
  • Ensuring the capacity to respond to emergency situations, and restoring the operation of critical services in the shortest possible time.
  • Maintaining fluid communication both internally, between the different levels of the company, as well externally as with clients.
  • ● Guaranteeing the proper state of the facilities and adequate availability of equipment in correspondence with the activity, objectives and goals of the company.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of the data managed by the company and the availability of the information systems, both in the services offered to customers and in its internal management, avoiding undue alterations to the information.
  • Having an organizational internal procedure that guarantees the security, productivity and planning of software development.


In this sense, DELONIA SOFTWARE’s management has a team of qualified professionals and provides the necessary resources to achieve its management objectives.

Continuous Improvement


We greatly value the need to constantly improve in order to remain competitive and offer quality products. We continually explore new ways to optimize our processes, practices and products to adapt to changing market and customer needs.

We understand that continuous improvement is essential to our long-term growth and success. Therefore, we strive to foster a culture in which every team member is motivated and empowered to contribute innovative ideas and practical solutions.

To support this commitment, we implemented a structured improvement management system based on agile methodologies and the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) cycle. This system will allow us to set clear objectives, develop effective action plans and measure the progress of our improvement initiatives.

In addition, we will promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among the teams, thus creating an environment conducive to innovation and continuous learning.

By using a proactive approach to continuous improvement, we are ensuring that our company remains agile, adaptable and customer-focused.


Corporate Social Responsibility


Our commitment is to be an ethical, transparent and sustainable company. We value the well-being of people and the environment, as well as the positive impact on the community. This is reflected in our daily actions and decisions.

We respect human rights, promote diversity and inclusion, and provide a safe and healthy work environment for our employees.

With regard to the environment, we seek to minimize our environmental impact. We reduce waste, use natural resources efficiently and adopt environmentally friendly technologies in our development process.

We believe that by integrating social responsibility into our corporate culture and daily decisions, we can make a positive impact and build a more sustainable future for all.



By taking a comprehensive and proactive approach to quality management and other key areas such as information security, we not only meet regulatory requirements, but also strive to exceed customer expectations and strengthen our reputation as a reliable partner.

We reaffirm our ongoing commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, ensuring that our company remains at the forefront of innovation and quality, always ready to meet the challenges of the market.