The Assistant Director, Mariella Diaz of the International Internship Program at Princeton University (New Jersey, USA), visited Delonia’s offices to learn first-hand about the opportunities that our company offers to interns from all over the world.

One of Mariella Diaz’s jobs is to mentor Princeton students who aspire to be interns at a company. His own experiences abroad during his undergraduate and graduate studies have convinced him of the enormous advantages of learning in a foreign country.

Delonia hosts interns from all over the world

Lalita Benavides
, Madrid Program Manager ofThe Intern Group was the person who accompanied Mariella Diaz on the visit to Delonia’s offices. After seven years of collaboration, the relationship between The Intern Group, a company specialized in offering internships to students from all over the world, and Delonia is well established.

José María Corsino partner at Delonia, explained the variety of experiences the company had had with students coming from different places: Armenia, Canada, China, Colombia, USA, United Arab Emirates, India, Italy, United Kingdom, etc. Delonia is an inclusive company where everyone has a place, even young people with no experience.

Our company allows students to begin a professional journey without having to compare themselves to anyone else, thanks to an environment where learning, effort and teamwork are the priority. It makes no difference whether the stay is for six weeks or six months. Work experience allows you to go beyond exams and university internships.

Studies are the foundation on which to start building, but practice is the greatest lesson. The student is confronted with real situations and problems to which he/she will have to provide solutions, within the dynamics of a project in which a team with a specific culture works. If the occasion allows, the intern may even interact with the company’s customers. To a large extent, a person’s professional future depends on his or her productivity. The Delonia team strives to give its trainees the tools they need to grow in the working world.

Training, effort and teamwork

One of the keys to success in the professional arena is the ability to communicate and work with others. A diploma may not be enough if the person does not have the skills to be part of a team carrying out a given project.

Delonia, despite being a small company, works in many different areas: information technology, software and web development, cybersecurity, AI. We offer our clients solutions applied to sectors such as insurance, banking, telephony or infrastructures.

Many of the interns who have worked at Delonia did not speak Spanish. While knowing the language of the country helps to make your stay in Spain more enjoyable, Delonia is an international company with clients in the United Kingdom, Germany, or Brazil, to name a few. So team members can communicate in English whenever necessary.

In short, after seven years of experience guiding interns from all over the world, the Delonia team is as passionate as ever about helping young people take their first steps in the workplace, a world in which they will spend a substantial part of their lives.